Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Congress, especially with regard to matters related to national security policy, has thrust power and authority to the executive branch. We have created an imperial presidency. The Congress no longer is able to articulate a vision of what is the common good. The Congress exists primarily to ensure the reelection of members of Congress.
Andrew Bacevic

This quote from Andrew Bacevic is meant as a follow up to what I posted yesterday. There is a definite urgency amongst an ever growing and vocal group of US citizens to begin the cumbersome and disciplined climb back to restoring US national integrity.

We are a nation of consumers now, no more the producers US was known to be previously. We have a yearly trade deficit of 800 million US dollars with China, we do not balance our books at the end of a fiscal year, and we have come to believe that we have an inexhaustible line of credit. Hence, it does not matter to us if we consume even more from year to year, be it oil, electronics or frying pans made in Asia. We do not have to pay for it, let the next generation deal with our debt.

As senator Bird stated in relation to the US unprovoced invasion of Iraq:
Eventually, like it always does, the truth will emerge. And when it does, this house of cards, built of deceit, will fall.

We are living in a time of deceit, and with it comes chaos, confusion and eventually national upheaval. Time to grow up, time to look over the fence and to mend relations, time to become the nation that so elegantly is described in the US constitution. That is the dream we have agreed upon, that is our common goal and hopes. Not this.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

After watching the praised US idiom of freedom and its constitution take some serious hits particularly in the last few years, I felt this picture would be appropriate.

I suspect few people knows about how fragile our freedom is and how endangered it has become as of late.

I encourage you to read Andrew J. Bacevich's book "The limits of Power" to inform yourself of a few inconvenient truths about US of A and where we are heading due to our belief in more is our right, more is better, and that we are the apostles of democracy in the world.
Here you can watch what Andrew has to say about the material in his book