Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Seems to me most of us Scandinavians that have made the Atlantic crossing to this large and beautiful land, still have moments of severe home sickness. In Sweden we call it "Lapp-Sjuka". Not a very nice word per se, but we all know what it means.
I found this picture this morning doing some uploading from the digital camera and it got me....the picture to the right is just one of those typical summer pictures from my home in Sweden. And it stirs my spirit, and the melancholy that enters my soul feels in an odd way calming and satisfying...
As I venture into that space I also start thinking about my friends back home , like BUX (aka Anders Bohm) and his g-friend Lisa. Here they are cruising around and making faces (well BUX is, in typical BUX style)...love those guys and I miss them tooooo, or Bjorn and Lena and their kids, and Niklas of course, Ulla and Christer...I remember me and Niklas getting stuck out on the river a wonderful Swedish summer long ago, Vera and Eskil (his parents) all worried and distraught as we finally got ourselves back to the summer cabin ...hmmm, those memories. Last picture of the combined Svanholm - Roting family members taking a communal bath....those Swede's..jeezzzz, hey Stigge don't think I forgot you, you're a real bud, buddy !!!

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