Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Prairie Wind...

...blew with fury today, and helped get rid of the the last stubborn snow, a snow that probably still thought I would make yet another "last" ski run before finally garaging my ski's.
I remember Christmas of last year when me and my best buddy Valerie went for a walk on the frozen lake. The wind was furious, it was 20 below (F). Valerie happens to have some Sami blood running in her veins, so she was doing just fine, I on the other hand, having grown up just south of the Arctic Circle had a harder time.

This picture of Valerie, standing on the frozen ice in a western county in Minnesota, Christmas 2007, will be my farewell to winter. Goodbye, rest well until we meet again, and welcome spring, I can feel you all the way from top to bottom, I have missed you and for a few moments I was wondering if I would ever see you again...would I return to you and you to me? Today you blew back into our lands again with resolution indeed - dependable, reliable and ever refreshing.

A light exists in spring
Not present on the year
At any other period.
When March is scarcely here

A color stands abroad
On solitary hills
That science cannot overtake,
But human naturefeels.

Emily Dickinson

Friday, March 28, 2008

The shed fire at Lindentree

A few days back I heard the fire engine rush by our house here on Phelps Mill Road. Little did I know that my neighbors up the road, Katy, Ron and Hazen's shed was on fire.
Luckily enough no one got hurt, the animals all survived, no other buildings on the property got damaged or burned and what was lost can mostly be replaced. But it is a chock for them I am sure, and above all, a hassle and extra work replacing all that was consumed by the fire.
So, Ron called me the other day and asked me if I could come over and poke around in the ashes with him, sorting out the valuables from the burned unrecognizable whatever's.
I think I'll make an apple crisp and take it over to these good people...yeah that would be good !

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Talented neighbors...

Here are a couple of my very good neighbors , that not only are really good hearted folks, but are dang good musicians at that. What more can one ask for when me and the fiddle get lonely out here on the fiddle partner Mr. Daniel and me

had the groove going for sure, having played with each other for 3 years we were gelli'n, and I miss him sorely, but I do not think I can get him to move out here to the mid-west. Too bad for I had to look around for some other musicians in the vicinity here and look what I found

Jerry Larson (Swedish clarinett man - what a player) and Susan Groff (Norwegian piano virtuoso...what a gal I tell ya !!) that has become a small Prairie Trio. We actually just had our weekly get together today, and it sounded good, felt good and we grooved !
On the repetoar we find some recognizable names such as Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, and a few others.
Thanks to both of these top notch people and musicians for taking me into their musical landscape.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Otterail Power Company Meeting

What a privilege to be able to live so close to nature, and with a mere few steps be out there on my morning jogging stretch. I am including a few picture for you to look at and get an idea how fortunate I am living where I live.
Not only do I have some really good neighbors, but I also get to be part of a community that cares about each other and makes sure no one is left without support and help in times of need. I can attest to that myself, where I have not been left to isolate, out here on the prairie, but found my neighbors to be very inclusive indeed !!

Last night we had Ottertail Power Company gives us the pitch on why they think it is necessary to build yet another coal burning facility to support their customer grid. The facility named Big Stone II, has been heavily opposed by the native tribes in the area. When the question was posed to the 3 member OTP panel last night, in regards to the native community and the current relations, the answer was that they (OTP) had not heard -, nor did not know anything about ANY opposition from the native tribes against building the plant, rather, they claimed, the native tribes wanted to participate in the project.....I am sitting there thinking, what is going on here.. I am either loosing my mind, or they are either completely ignorant, or just feeding us some well formulated bs.

Then it dawned on me, that in the background, behind all of the sweet talk about how environmentally safe the coal burning facilities are theses days (120 pounds of Mercury bleeds out in the water shed each year, and a tonnage of Carbon Dioxide is emitted in the air, that is just part of the emissions connected to burning coal, even today), there are the OTP stock holders that wants to see some profits being generated. They don't care from who's back or from who's declining health that profit is generated, bottom-line (love that word) is profit, to almost any cost. That has been the corporate story over and over. I do not oppose corporations that act responsibly in regards to our environment, treat their employees with dignity, participate in the building of a better, inclusive and safer community for all...I do oppose the profit mungers that stop at nothing to gain access to even more profits, amassing vulgar richness on the back of the working men and women.
OK, enough ......
But I AM hopeful and believe in us the people, no matter if I get disillusioned from time to time. We can turn it all around for us and our children ! That is my strong conviction, and as Dala Lama states: My kindness. I side with that !

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Obama factor (us the people)

I think he finally broke through, Barack , got the message straight, and seemed to have reached millions of people, hungry for some hope and a resurrection a renewed commitment to the fair and just American democratic model that was signed and implemented some 200 years ago.
However, as we face the end of the current neo-con rule, US of A has slumped into dubious and corrupted affairs and behavior, we have almost forgotten the initial commitment by our founding fathers AND mothers (John and Abigail Adams are turning in their graves I am sure) It sounded to me like Obama revived and reminded us of that commitment with his speech. We, the people have the power ! We the people know what it is like to be deceived, loose our sons and daughters in a seemingly endless and pointless war, see our land and environment being stripped and abused, seeing corporate interest still raping the natives of their land and rights, still lashing out towards anyone that does not fit the mold, let it be homosexuals, lesbians, illegal immigrants, single mothers barely scraping by, layoffs, the export of jobs and industry to slave laboring countries...and in the end we are hurting not only ourselves but our children that one day will inherit our legacy and this this the America I so fondly embraced before making the trip over the ocean ? Barack got me back thinking of the good things we are, all of us, even the misguided and lost neo-cons...we the people, ALL of us !

And that is all I have to say about that (as Forest Gump would have said).
I am not a believer in that the Government will initiate change here in this country, I believe it has to come from us, the people !
OK, enough from the soap box now...the video is worth watching however.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Maple Syrup and the Olsen/Roller dinner

Easter Sunday..
This was my first chance to see how Maple Syrup is being produced. I attended a small family outing with the Andrews family from Erhard here in Ottertail County, and it was most educational and interesting.
The sap did not run very well yesterday, so the volume was not very impressive, but I did get chance to do some tasting, and that convinced me. I will use Maple Syrup now in my coffee, my breads I bake, my cakes, on my oatmeal in the mornings, and on my Swedish pancakes as well of course.
It was a well spent afternoon for sure. Thank you Marguerite and Bud !
The day was completed with a brilliant dinner at the Olson/Roller home. We had salmon, deer steaks and lots of good greens. Thank you Katy, Ron and Hazen (and Liza..yeah goood doggy)

Today I have been just busy getting my job searching machinery oiled up and moving forward. I am currently in talks with Great Plains Software and John Deer, both in Fargo. A few other smaller firms as well. The future will tell what will happen on that front !

Monday, March 17, 2008

The farm hand

My neighbors took a trip to Rochester, MN, and I was asked to tend to the farm while they were gone. Not a very difficult taks actually. Two goats, 15 hens, a big black Rooster and 2 cats. Think I can handle it. Plus I get the eggs during this week, which is a treat, let me tell you. Farm eggs, nothing better, makes the best quiche, the best omelette's and scrambled eggs. Have not tried the Rocky version of eating eggs though...not yet.
In addition I picked up some home made pickles, some venison Stroganoff as well which they left behind. I am doing well this week....still working on that questionnaire for Microsoft in Fargo, ND. I am the neighborhood slave this week, and I like it :-)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My first blog entry

Ångermanälven, Sweden

Well, I am a blogger as well now, like a lot of you people out there. I will dedicate this blog to the questions concerning our environment, our way of living and consuming, my community here in Underwood Minnesota and how I ended up here from my home country Sweden, via California. In this blog you will also see a few examples of the shoes I tend to wear....the picture just up above is from Phelps Mill/Underwood, Minnesota.
Hope you'll visit me and make some comments

I have included two picture (top and bottom) from where I grew up in Sweden, and were I
have spent most of my life to this date.

Ångermanland, Sweden