Friday, March 28, 2008

The shed fire at Lindentree

A few days back I heard the fire engine rush by our house here on Phelps Mill Road. Little did I know that my neighbors up the road, Katy, Ron and Hazen's shed was on fire.
Luckily enough no one got hurt, the animals all survived, no other buildings on the property got damaged or burned and what was lost can mostly be replaced. But it is a chock for them I am sure, and above all, a hassle and extra work replacing all that was consumed by the fire.
So, Ron called me the other day and asked me if I could come over and poke around in the ashes with him, sorting out the valuables from the burned unrecognizable whatever's.
I think I'll make an apple crisp and take it over to these good people...yeah that would be good !

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm sorry to read about your neighbor's shed. Apple crisp sounds yummy. Valerie surprised us with lemon bars on Easter!