Thursday, March 27, 2008

Talented neighbors...

Here are a couple of my very good neighbors , that not only are really good hearted folks, but are dang good musicians at that. What more can one ask for when me and the fiddle get lonely out here on the fiddle partner Mr. Daniel and me

had the groove going for sure, having played with each other for 3 years we were gelli'n, and I miss him sorely, but I do not think I can get him to move out here to the mid-west. Too bad for I had to look around for some other musicians in the vicinity here and look what I found

Jerry Larson (Swedish clarinett man - what a player) and Susan Groff (Norwegian piano virtuoso...what a gal I tell ya !!) that has become a small Prairie Trio. We actually just had our weekly get together today, and it sounded good, felt good and we grooved !
On the repetoar we find some recognizable names such as Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, and a few others.
Thanks to both of these top notch people and musicians for taking me into their musical landscape.

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