Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Obama factor (us the people)

I think he finally broke through, Barack , got the message straight, and seemed to have reached millions of people, hungry for some hope and a resurrection a renewed commitment to the fair and just American democratic model that was signed and implemented some 200 years ago.
However, as we face the end of the current neo-con rule, US of A has slumped into dubious and corrupted affairs and behavior, we have almost forgotten the initial commitment by our founding fathers AND mothers (John and Abigail Adams are turning in their graves I am sure) It sounded to me like Obama revived and reminded us of that commitment with his speech. We, the people have the power ! We the people know what it is like to be deceived, loose our sons and daughters in a seemingly endless and pointless war, see our land and environment being stripped and abused, seeing corporate interest still raping the natives of their land and rights, still lashing out towards anyone that does not fit the mold, let it be homosexuals, lesbians, illegal immigrants, single mothers barely scraping by, layoffs, the export of jobs and industry to slave laboring countries...and in the end we are hurting not only ourselves but our children that one day will inherit our legacy and this country....is this the America I so fondly embraced before making the trip over the ocean ? Barack got me back thinking of the good things we are, all of us, even the misguided and lost neo-cons...we the people, ALL of us !

And that is all I have to say about that (as Forest Gump would have said).
I am not a believer in that the Government will initiate change here in this country, I believe it has to come from us, the people !
OK, enough from the soap box now...the video is worth watching however.

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